Jitterbug Smart 3 phone work on Tracfone?

Does Jitterbug phone work on carriers besides Great Call and Lively?

We have hundreds of minutes with Tracfone. Does Jitterbug Smart 3 have a sim card? Can the phone be used on Tracfone or other Bring Your Own Phone carrier?

BTW we love Tracfone service, activation and use. Have been with them for years. "You only pay for what you need " but the phones are too complicated for my 79 yo husband who is a technophobe.

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Jan 22, 2022
by: sb


Lively (formerly GreatCall) uses the Verizon network. While I haven't tried activating a Jitterbug phone on another plan, it may be possible to do so. I spoke to a Lively representative, and he said that the phones are not locked, however they only sell them with a plan. So it you bought it directly from Lively you would have to then cancel the plan. If you buy it in a Best Buy store or some other online site, you may not have to go through that.

Now as the phones use the Verizon network, you can try activating it on Tracfone using their Bring Your Own Phone service for Verizon phones. If successful, you should be able to use the phone as an ordinary Android phone but with the easy to use interface (You can also switch back to the standard interface later on if you want.)

As you may expect, the additional features that Lively offers such as their urgent response service wouldn't be available, and you may or may not be interested in those features.

Hope this helps.


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